Formenübersicht Pronomen


Tabelle zu den Personalpronomen im Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ:

Übersicht über die Personalpronomen in den verschiedenen Fällen

Tabelle zu den Possessivpronomen (auch Possessivartikel gennant) im Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ

Übersicht über die Possessivartikel in den verschiedenen Fällen

  5 Responses to “Formenübersicht Pronomen”

  1. I am a very late beginner in German as a foreign language. I have found your website very useful.

    Many thanks.

  2. i a, a young and late beginner in german,so i find german very difficult ,and the problem is that this website cannot provide me the correct information or i cannot understand it so i request you to modify this website so that everybody can understand it . SORRY and thank you.

    • I am sorry that the website is of no use to you, but as I work on this site on my very limited free time I am sorry to tell you that you will have look for what you need somewhere else. Anyway, I wish you all the best in your endeavour to learn German.

  3. Thanks for the table summarising a very important part of the German Language. After the initial step of learning the basics of the language, pronouns and possessive articles are of utmost importance to construct any meaningful sentence for any conversation and this is where I have been terrible. But during the last few months, I have begun to allocate time to resume studying German and this is where I find the contents of your website to be very useful. It helps me in making my own notes in an efficient manner. Of course there are tons of material elsewhere on the topic, but somehow your website organisation is proving to be very useful to me 🙂 Having said that, there are still lots of material on your website which I need to go through .. So much to learn! Vielen Dank 🙂